Viewing day two of the 2016 Presidential Debate, I must say, I could actually understand what Donald Trump was saying. He was much more present and able to stick to the topic a little more, and he interrupted Senator Clinton less. However, as a woman and a human, I found it quite creepy as I watched him hover over her while she connected with audience members answering questions.
Many say that Trump did much better. I assumed he would. What baffles me is, why the distance between the two of them was contiguous at times. I also noticed the intimidating unnerving stares as he threatened to lock Clinton up. Watching Trump lower his voice and cut his eyes up at Clinton was something I’d never ever witnessed while watching a debate. I do understand that candidates must sound and even appear to be strong and convincing, but this whole scare tactic isn’t funny anymore. My fifteen-year-old daughter said, “Seriously, no one thinks it’s strange how his personality seems mean and cold?” I replied, “I know, I agree, it’s quite menacing, to say the least.” I kept saying to myself; “I really wish he would take that sour look off of his face, soften up a little, appear serious and stern and less like he did when I tuned in to watch him do what he does best, ‘entertain’ on reality TV.”
I enjoy a great show just like the next. But when I tune into the debates, I’m looking for content that aids in decision making for my family and our future. I don’t want my children to head to bed thinking, “I sure hope mom and dad make the best decision because I am scared of what could happen to us;” Simply because she watched someone’s body language and listened to disrespectful comments. I get, it, Trump speaks his mind. He feels that making America great again, means taking this kiss my ass, up yours, I know it all approach. Surprisingly, many agree with him. I find it to be a bit cocky and arrogant.
Occupying such upstanding office in leadership will obviously require a great deal of humility. Understandably, one will not always get what he/she wants. So I often wonder what Trump would do if things did not go as he planned. What would that mean for many others and me? I wonder if he would be able to sit back and be patient, assess the situation and make “good” decisions. Will he be one who can be told no?
If you think you can put your hands on a woman’s genitalia because you are famous, then apparently you are disconnected from reality. No will always mean no, no matter who you are. Status doesn’t gift you the right to assault someone physically. And simply saying, “I’m embarrassed by it,” doesn’t mitigate the pain nor fulfill the consequence. I know many women who were sexually assaulted, and their entire lives have been altered by it. They’ve even stated that if their abuser apologized it would NEVER heal the soul nor replace the dignity that was stolen in those moments.
The 98 minutes that Clinton and Trump are given to persuade, inspire and inform should be taken very seriously. Viewers need to listen and watch very carefully. Who they are, what they stand for and who they will become will ultimately be a part of each American’s evolution.
Photo:Getty Images
The post Election 2016: The Ultimate Evolutionary Decision appeared first on The Good Men Project.