For several months now Donald Trump has been placing most of the blame for his dumpster fire of a campaign on the media. He blamed the media when they reported that he; disrespected veterans, insulted a gold star family, racially attacked a federal judge, hasn’t provided his tax returns, made fun of a physically challenged reporter, encouraged physical assaults at his rallies when his poll numbers tanked and his own words about women. Now he blames them for the women who are coming out to tell their stories of sexual assault and harassment.
Donald Trump has never taken responsibility for himself because he has never had to.
It’s been the key to his campaign, and truthfully his entire life, to blame everyone else for his shortcomings and ignorance. Donald Trump has never taken responsibility for himself because he has never had to. He is the definition of a spoiled rich kid that always gets his way, that bullies and runs over everyone in his path.
One thing I don’t allow as an argument from my sons when they have done wrong, is to tell me what someone else did that was worse. Unfortunately, Trump never had to live his life under those standards. Apparently, his supporters didn’t either.
Here’s the thing, though, I agree with Donald on this point. The media is absolutely at fault for his campaign. The fault isn’t what they are reporting now, and it isn’t that there is some collusion with the Clinton camp. The fault is that they allowed him to skate through the Republic primary virtually unscathed. That for some reason, all the bags of trash from Donald’s past weren’t dug through last September. Had the media done its job last September, we wouldn’t be stuck with this 70-year-old toddler now.
The media looked at Trump’s campaign back then for what it is, a joke. A runaway train, conducted by vultures and jackals who have made their living by feeding on dead carcasses and have never done anything honestly or positively in their lives.
In normal times, with a media that cared more about journalistic integrity than ratings and advertising buys, Trump’s campaign would have been DOA.
In normal times, with a media that cared more about journalistic integrity than ratings and advertising buys, Trump’s campaign would have been DOA. His announcement speech would have been his concession speech, and the adults would have carried on with the primary.
But Trump was the key to ratings. He brought the viewers; he turned the nightly news into a reality show full of lewd and unbelievable conduct. We weren’t watching because he was something new, we were watching because this is the trash our minds have been trained to look for as entertainment. Seriously, an outlandish casino owner and reality star running for president sounds like a bad MTV show, and we loved it! We couldn’t wait for the salacious sewage to get tossed around.
The media was aware of where this was headed then; they knew the boost they could receive by someone like Trump as a candidate. Like potty training a toddler we all knew it was just a matter of time before he shit the bed. What wasn’t anticipated is how many people would enjoy the smell.
They put him front and center of the GOP debates. They asked him the most questions and gave him the most rope. When the other candidates pointed out his lack of knowledge of basic principles of government and governing, the media didn’t address it. They instead allowed him to turn the debates into two-hour insult-filled, tantrums.
Didn’t know what the nuclear triad was? No problem Carly Fiorina is ugly. Don’t know what countries are in TPP? No problem Jeb Bush is low energy. Avoid answering any questions of substance? No problem, Ted Cruz is a liar.
As the days progressed and the once unimaginable became inevitable, the media finally began to do its job. It was too late, the momentum that had been allowed to build and the lack of leadership from the GOP now made Trump their candidate. The realization that millions of people were taking this clown seriously enough to nominate him was no longer a bad tv script. It was happening.
So now that the media is focusing on the problems with Trump, he says its a conspiracy to keep him from being elected. He’s readying his excuse for losing, and it’s not that he is simply the most unqualified and dangerous candidate in the history of US politics. It’s because CNN doesn’t like him. It’s because the media is creating stories out of thin air.
Donald, you’re right. The media is at fault in this election. Not because they are going to make you lose. They are at fault because they allowed you to get this far. They withheld stories; many let their journalistic integrity fall to the side while they enjoyed the rush of new viewers and readers brought on from your shit show. Giving you nearly 3 billion dollars in free press while glossing over how dangerous you were. There were no hard-hitting interviews, or investigative journalism going on. You were a showman, and they were your audience, dragging us all down with you.
This election could have been different. America could have had two strong candidates that spoke on issues that impact each voters life personally. Instead, we are spending the last few weeks of the election talking about women’s body parts and listening as you hurl insults and threats around like a drunk being thrown out of a ballgame.
You cheated us, Donald, you cheated all of us.
You cheated us, Donald, you cheated all of us. Your supporters, your detractors, your opponents, and your allies. We could have moved the dialog in this country forward; we could have accomplished something great. But you stole that from us, under the eye of the media. A media that is supposed to be a watchman over people like you.
So enjoy the next few years Donald, reaping the reward of your new following. Increasing your wealth from people who believed in you. Enjoy cashing the checks of those who you never cared about, to begin with, helping to build your new media empire. They’ll go back to their reality shows and wait for their next savior.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will be trying to put the country back together.
Photo:Getty Images
The post Trump Is Actually Right About One Thing, the Media Is at Fault appeared first on The Good Men Project.