I think this country needs change — but I don’t want to burn down my house because I don’t like my kitchen!
Donald Trump’s visions for America sound like the ramblings of an angry guy at a bar…
“If I were president one day, I would build a damn wall to keep those foreigners out — and, hell, I’d make them pay for it! And, ISIS — those lunatics — I’d bomb ‘em out of existence! And jobs, I’d stop those jobs from going Mexico and China. I’d just stop it from happening.”
Of course, when this guy wakes up the next morning, he’ll have to confront the disappointing reality that…
- Building a wall won’t keep people out of America, and Mexico will not pay for constructing one.
- ISIS is a movement, and America can’t destroy a movement by military means alone.
- Capitalism — the very economic system that has so enriched the Trump empire — supports the free flow of goods and services. Isolationist economic policies rarely, if ever, do any good in the long term.
And finally, I’m very aware that the following extremely conservative newspaper editorial boards have endorsed Trump’s opponent.
Dallas Morning News
Houston Chronicle
Arizona Republic
Cincinnati Enquirer
These trusted, and reliable conservative news sources see the danger of Trump’s temperament, inexperience, and naive ideas. This means something.
Real change requires more than angry, insulting words. America is better than this.
Join our #StopTrump task force today.
(Weekly conference calls with like-minded people who want to stop a candidate who is racist, sexist, bigoted, incites violence and is demonstrating no competence for the job at hand.)
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Photo:Getty Images
The post Sorry Trump, I Just Can’t Buy it. appeared first on The Good Men Project.