Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, we often hear the phrase “speaking truth to power.”
Political pundits bemoan that no one on the President’s staff will speak their mind to him. Every new White House appointment prompts the same question. Will he or she tell the president what they truly believe — speak truth to power.
Examining power more closely is an interesting task with Mr. Trump. The President of the United States has always been considered the most powerful man in the world — at least up till now. Let’s see if we can explode that myth by exploring recent historical context.
It’s interesting how events often foreshadow what’s to come in the future.
When Donald Trump cruelly insulted his Republican primary rivals, no one seemed to mind. When Marco Rubio commented on Donald Trump’s small hands only “The Donald” felt it was necessary to make an issue.
Here’s where impotence kicks in.
Power and impotence might be considered antonyms. While Rubio’s comment was clearly interpreted to imply sexual impotence, perhaps unknowingly he was actually a soothsayer.
Up to this point, President Trump has been arguably the most impotent President in modern history. One dictionary definition describes impotence as “the inability to take effective action; helplessness.”
Political power, on the other hand, is described as “… the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people.”
Not only has President Trump not been able to control the actions of many of his subordinates, but he has also been both helpless and unable to take or make constructive action in virtually any legislation including many of his “executive orders.” The only significant legislation to cross his desk deals with sanctions on Russia — not something he wants.
I beseech the media to be more specific in its communication. Stop talking about the inability to “speak truth to power.” It’s inaccurate. Be precise. Tell it like it is. Most Republicans and virtually all Donald Trump’s minions are “afraid to speak truth to impotence!”
Photo: Getty Images
The post Speaking Truth to Impotence appeared first on The Good Men Project.