President Trump’s approval numbers fell to yet another all time low this week. That means many of his once supporters are now unhappy with his performance. The question that begs to be answered by that is simply, why?
The President’s first six months in office have been a lot of things. Calm and productive are not among those things. With the latest threats against both North Korea and Venezuela, the erratic behavior of this administration is in full view yet again. However, with the dipping approval numbers, it’s as if people are surprised by his actions. Why are supporters falling away? What do they see now that that wasn’t readily available for viewing during the 2016 election? Why the sudden need for steady non-volatile leadership?
Come on folks, don’t make me say it.
Trump’s campaign stops were just small windows into a Trump presidency. Off the cuff, uninformed, bizarre, inconsistent, weird, delusional and combative. So please, don’t tell me you are somehow shocked that the White House now seems to be so poorly managed. The evidence was there; you just refused to see it and now you most likely still refuse to admit it openly.
In the face-off with North Korea, the reality show President is no longer just a punchline. What happens with North Korea is a serious threat to not only our allies in and around Asia but the continental United States. Trump’s cavalier attitude and arrogance is dangerous in this situation and could carry with it real dangers to millions. The world isn’t as simple as it was even twenty years ago. Threatening smaller, less powerful countries might have worked in the 80’s, but now those countries have access to nukes. Countries like North Korea also have means to deliver those nukes to our doorstep.
Unfortunately, our 80’s baby President is stuck in a timewarp. He’s living in a time of Rambo and Reagan when the US could push anyone around without any fear of retaliation, much less on our soil. That is no longer the case. The world is much smaller than it was then, and the battlefield is no longer limited to a far off foreign land, its now potentially on Main Street USA.
Trump’s failure to comprehend the potential danger of his words is one of the main fears many of us had during the election. While being a loudmouth bully might play well in the world he played in before; it is assuredly a bad idea as the leader of the free world. A position that I am afraid the United States is losing quickly.
So as our world becomes less safe because of an out of control Twitter account, we are only able to hold our breath. As his poll numbers slip, does he become more volatile? Does he actually launch a preemptive strike simply to prove he’s a man? Will he be responsible for mass casualties and untold deaths simply because he can be?
Every part of his 2016 campaign tells us that that is exactly what will happen.
So as his poll numbers slide, I have to ask why? Why are you less approving of his job than before? Why do you think he could be doing a better job? Why are you surprised?
Now I’m gonna say it.
I told you so.
Photo: Getty Images
The post Why Does This President Surprise You? appeared first on The Good Men Project.