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Sorry Kathy Griffin, This One Is Your Fault



I just watched a few minutes of Kathy Griffin’s press conference and it almost entirely encompassed why I think Trump won in 2016.

Yesterday she said it was a mistake and she was sorry.

Then she got fired by CNN, who by the way is accused of being an anti-Trump liberal biased fake news source.

Today she says that she is being censored by “old white men.” So which is it, Kathy?


Yes, she is free to express herself and her art in any way she sees fit. What she did is legal and in some circles acceptable. What she is experiencing now is called backlash which is also a part of American freedom. She gave CNN and others no choice but to cut ties, and she absolutely knew the possibility of that when she took the pictures. The victim attitude she took today will not help her cause with anyone that found those pictures remotely disgusting.

The people that voted for Trump are not “the old white men” in control. The people that voted for Trump are the ones who felt like the old white man system was the most polar opposite to nuts like Kathy Griffin. The left in any way shape or form latching on to her as some sort of martyr or hero only galvanizes that feeling.

It’s time the left understands that middle America really does exist. Even many that would lean left on issues can’t commit because of stupid shit like this. They still go to church, the baseball park, and work with those that are hard right wing conservatives. They could never justify voting or supporting Clinton or any Democrat with the possibility of losing their standing in their circle by being associated with the type of foolishness that Griffin displayed.

Just saying fu%# em they should get over it, isn’t working.


To the point that there were those on the right that did similar things in respect to President Obama, you are 100% correct, and those things were just as disgusting. However, we have to get away from this mindset of “whataboutisms.” Why do we live in a country that now is accepting of two wrongs making a right? It shouldn’t work like that. At some point, an ideology needs to take the high road here.

Liberals, stop justifying every disgusting statement and action because of some picture you saw on a tea party website, or justify it by pointing out what Ted Nugent said.

Conservatives, quit excusing every idiotic action, statement, and general lack of intelligence from our elected officials because of “but her emails!” or “what about Obama?”

We are in a phase of this left/right paradigm that both sides point to the extreme members of the other side as the collective. The truth is most of America isn’t that far apart. We just let the loudest most obnoxious members of our side control the narrative, and it does nothing to solve problems.


So Kathy Griffin, Ted Nugent and those like you on either side of the political spectrum, it’s you I blame for the lack of discourse. When you do and say these things simply to infuriate people and boost your career, you make it appear that an entire half of the country is complicit. When you drown out conversation with shock and hyperbole, you make it seem the entire country is unable to communicate with each other.

The biggest issue here may just be that she took the heat off the administration and its ineptitude for a few hours. She managed to solicit empathy for a President that up until this point deserved none. In short, she screwed the left royally.

I am okay with screaming, passion, debate and getting angry. The issues we face are that important. I am not against civil disobedience when all other routes to justice have been exhausted.

I am not okay with sensationalized rhetoric and disgusting displays designed only to shock and draw attention to the presenter, not the issues.

To fix anything in this country there will have to be some cooperation, and where we stand today, there doesn’t seem to be any of that in existence.

And there won’t be as long as we keep falling into the traps of these egocentrics.
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Photo: Getty Images

The post Sorry Kathy Griffin, This One Is Your Fault appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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